Thank you for your selfless collaboration.

Your support means a lot to us and to the animals that, without your help, would be abandoned to their fate.

You have made a person close to you a member. You have made a generous gesture and we appreciate it wholeheartedly.

What will happen now?

You will shortly receive by email the Membership card with the name of the person you have mentioned.

Please give this card to the person who will receive this gift.

This card will include an invitation for the member to subscribe to the exclusive Wild Souls Newsletter. Consequently, the person to whom you give the gift will be able to enjoy all the benefits that come with being a member of the Zoo of the Pyrenees Foundation.

In addition:

Every 3 months we will share with you (as well as with the person you have made a member) reports with photos and videos about:

  • Animal liberation successes.
  • Which animals will have to stay at the Zoo of the Pyrenees for life and why.
  • Things that worry us.
  • Our objectives for the next 3 months and an assessment of compliance with the previous ones.


In January of the following year you will receive an Official Donation Certificate that you can use to deduct a significant portion of your income tax return.

Before 1 year of your collaboration has passed, we will contact you to ask if you want to extend your support in the same way.

Sincerely yours,

Stania Kuspertova
Director of the Zoo of the Pyrenees Foundation