Stania Kuspertova

Stania Kuspertova falconer

Name: Stania Kuspertova

Role at the zoo: Founder and director

In which activities you will find me: Flying Exhibition / Owls Experience / Falconry Course / Guided Tour / Petting zoo / Working with Schools

What I studied: Baccalaureate in the Czech Republic

What I like: Animals and birds of prey in particular. Be with them, help them if they need it and learn from them. Pass on my knowledge to people interested in nature protection.

What I dislike: Hypocrisy.

My goal for 2023: To raise an additional €150,000 to build new facilities so that all the animals in the refuge have the quality of life they deserve. Do you want to help me? Here is the link: Instant donation *

*)Your entire contribution will be used for construction. We earn the money we need to run the foundation by working towards the public.

Stania’s life before the Zoo of the Pyrenees

Stania at the age of 6 riding a horse.

Stania’s childhood

This is me: one of the happiest moments of my childhood. I was born in the Czech Republic, in a small city of 8,000 inhabitants. Since I was little I have loved animals, and by then it was clear to me: I wanted to be a veterinarian.

Stania Kuspertova with 18 years working with falcons.

I’m leaving home

But my parents forbade me to study veterinary medicine. At the height of puberty and frustrated at not being able to become a veterinarian, I left home. I went to work at the largest falcon breeding center in the world, in Germany. I was 18 years old.

Stania Kuspertova's children

Stania’s family

And it was there that I found my purpose. I lived a happy life, surrounded by falcons and nature. As time went by I married the owner of the company and we had three wonderful children (Martin, Anna and Lukas).

The Peregrine Foundation

The Peregrine Foundation

We traveled a lot. We had a very nice time in the United States as guests of the founder of «The Peregrine Foundation». There I learned that if a group of great entrepreneurs who care about nature join together, great things can be done to save species.

Stania with an Arab sheikh during a hunting-trip with falcons.

Travel to Arab Countries

But obviously most of our trips were to Arab countries. I learned to respect the arabic culture. But I also saw that if you have money you can get whatever you want. Regardless of whether your intentions are in accordance with the global protection of species or not.

Falcon breeding

Problems in Germany

Unfortunately, a mushroom company set up right next to the falcon breeding centre. To save money they did not put filters in the cultivation halls. The air was filled with spores and toxins that were invisible but lethal to the falcons.

Relocation of Falcon Center to Spain.


There is no cure for mold-covered lungs. The falcons were dying, they could not breathe. To save our animals we made a desperate decision. My husband had a property in the Catalan Pyrenees; we transfer the entire company there as quickly as possible.

Falcons born first year in the facilities in Catalonia.

Stania’s concern

A part of the falcons still died due to the consequences, but little by little hope returned to us. We saw that many of them had a future. But I was restless. I wanted to do more for wild animals. I wanted my life to have meaning. Finally I decided to take a step forward, separate and start a new period.

Stania Kuspertova and Eloi Arenas, the founders of the Zoo of the Pyrenees.

Zoo of the Pyrenees

I met Eloi, my soulmate. (Yes, ladies and gentlemen, I am also divorced.) It took us almost 4 years to get all the permits to open the Zoo of the Pyrenees. Together with the whole family we built the first zoo facilities in only 6 months. We opened our doors to the public on June 21st, 2014.

Stania’s responsibilities at the Zoo of the Pyrenees

Stania coordinates the rescue center.
I coordinate the team of the Zoo of the Pyrenees.
Stania Kuspertova, falconry.
I train the birds of prey.
Stania and Eloi with the raven Phineas.
In the flying exhibition I work together with my partner Eloi.
Stania and Laia Sanchez, the veterinarian of the Zoo of the Pyrenees, check the health of a fox.
I am responsible for the carnivores. In the photo I hold Bitxo the fox as his mother would so that Laia can inspect his ears.
Stania Kuspertova adoptive mother of baby animals.
I act as a foster mother for the little orphans until they are released.
Stania Kuspertova director of the Zoo of the Pyrenees.
I am responsible for securing the income so that we can continue to help the animals.