Join our partners and save innocent lives

Animals don’t have a voice of their own, be their advocate.

Become a member of the Zoo of the Pyrenees Foundation.
Stand with us in the fight to save innocent lives.

Your benefits as a member of the Zoo of the Pyrenees Foundation

We care with great appreciation and affection for all the wonderful people who support our work.

Where your money will go

Your contribution will go entirely to the wild animal rescue fund.
We work with the utmost transparency and honesty.
You can consult our annual reports.

Animals you will help save

  • Animals injured in traffic accidents
  • Hatchlings fallen from the nest
  • Orphaned offspring
  • Unfortunately, also babies separated from their mothers due to public misinformation.

Veterinary care

Laia Sanchez Golobart, veterinary at the Zoo of the Pyrenees Foundation.
  • Medicines, specific feed and veterinary equipment
  • Equipment of the veterinary clinic (we urgently need an X-ray machine).
  • Veterinary care cost

24/7 Attention

Stania works day and night to ensure that the animals are cared for.

Both babies and injured animals need 24/7 care. If you take your pet to a vet, you will be charged for it on the bill.

Wild animals do not have an owner who pays for them. We receive no help from the administration to save the lives of the animals.

Help us cover the expenses.


A 15-day-old orphaned fox cub.

To save lives it is crucial to act quickly.

Rescue trips that cannot be covered by the Natural Carriers are done by us.

Fuel costs are skyrocketing. In addition, the human resources needed for these trips, which cover the whole of Catalonia, must be added.

Become a member today

To become a member simply fill in the following form: Go to form.

If you have problems with the form, please contact us. We will provide you with other ways to make the payment.

If you would like to participate with a higher fee, please contact us directly.

Stand by our side and help save the lives of animals.
Thank you very much.