Name: Nikki
Species: Fox (Vulpes vulpes)
Age: Born in 2018
Arrival date: 22/09/2021
Where she came from: A private individual
Why she lives in the refuge: Nikki is too humanized to go back to nature.
What she likes: Nikki is very lively and loves to be in contact with people. She participates in the Animal Experience and also does educational field trips to schools.
Dislikes: She needs her quiet moments.
The history of Nikki the fox
Life before
Nikki was orphaned and grew up in a house with a dog. However, when she started destroying appliances, her caregiver decided to find her a safer place.
The caregiver taught her to walk in a harness.
Where she lives now

Nikki lives in the part of the refuge that can be seen during the guided tour.
She cannot return to the wild because she is too tame.
Her life in the refuge

Nikki enjoys contact with people. That is why she participates in the Animal Experience.
Her caretaker is Eloi.

Nikki, this cunning fox, is a true fan of people, but prefers to observe them from above.
During the guided tour, she climbs a log and gets a detailed look at the visitors from 1.5 m high.
A proud fox

Foxes are intelligent animals. You can’t force them to do what you want.
But if you treat them with respect, magical moments can happen.
A curious animal

Foxes are curious animals. Nikki is no exception.
You have to give her time and space and she herself comes over to see what you are doing.

What will your contribution be used for?
Nikki is the representative of all the foxes that come to the Zoo of the Pyrenees. It doesn’t matter if they can go back to nature or if they have to stay with us for life.
Who will you help?
Little orphans that we care for while they need help and are then returned to the wild.
Foxes that cannot return to the wild due to permanent injury or because they are too humanized.
Foxes that have suffered an accident and need veterinary care before returning to the wild.

Join our fight to protect animals and make the difference in this world. Sponsor Nikki today!
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