Name: Martí
Species: Fox (Vulpes vulpes)
Age: Born in 2023
Arrival date: 02/09/2023
Where he came from: Wildlife Center Vallcalent
Why he lives in the refuge: Martí suffered a severe blow to the head that caused him to lose his eyesight.
What he likes: Marti is very curious and always keeps an eye on what is going on in the refuge. He likes to enjoy the sun and his favorite foods are figs and sweet pears.
Dislikes: If there is too much noise during the guided tour, you will not see him. If not, he happily runs through his installation.
The story of Martí the fox
Arrival at the center

On 30/08/2023 we received a call from WC Vallcalent to see if we could take in a fox that showed no signs of illness but was in very bad condition.
Severe condition
The little fox was lethargic, so we put him under a hot red light, hydrated him and gave him medication intravenously. We were not at all sure if he would survive.
Two days later we have a little hope. The fox was standing, but wow, he couldn’t see anything!
Our veterinarian diagnosed that he had received a very hard blow to the head.
We are looking for a name

We started feeding the little fox with a syringe. His improvements had encouraged us to find a name for him. His name is Martí. (We name the animals in honor of our members).
Martí needs a home
Our hope that he would regain his sight was minimal. The little fox Martí will not be able to return to the wild.
While he was slowly recovering in the clinic, we had to build a space for him.

In record time Eloi together with our interns built with impressive determination a new space where Martí will be able to live safe from the attacks of the predators that naturally inhabit our area.
Since it is necessary to monitor Martí’s health on a regular basis, Anna is working with him.
*) This type of interaction should never be done with wild foxes.
Sponsor Martí the fox
How will the story of Martí the fox continue?
It depends on you. Help him to achieve a happy ending. Sponsor him and be part of this story.

Sponsor Martí the fox
What will your contribution be used for?
Marti is the ambassador for all the blind animals living in the refuge, regardless of whether they lost their sight due to man-made injuries, old age or disease. Your contribution will help not only Martí, but also all the other visually impaired animals living in the refuge.
Martí suffered a brutal attack. Prove that not all humans are like that. Help us take care of this little blind fox.
Thank you for your support!