An urgent donation to save animals’ lives Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.With what amount do you want to participate? Is the donation for some animal or some project in particular?Your dataThe law requires us to collect and store the following data:Your name *FirstLastEmail *Do you live in Spain? *YesNoYour zip/postal code *DNI / NIE / Passport *What country are you from? *Type and number of your ID card. *Would you like to receive your donation certificate? *YesNoIn Spain you can deduct up to 80% of your donation in your income tax return. The certificate you will receive will help you in this process with the tax authorities. Amount of your donation0,00 €Privacy Policy *I accept the privacy policy and donation policy of the Zoo of the Pyrenees Foundation.Privacy Policy / Donations PolicyProceed with the payment.This is an encrypted and secure payment. We use the most modern 3D security system.Credit card information *CardName on CardDonate